LEARN MORE about absorbent mats, socks, and pillows: A quick guide
LEARN MORE about absorbent mats, socks, and pillows: A quick guide
With so many different absorbents to choose from, which one will best suit specific needs? Which one works for drips? For large surface-area spills? What about machines?

Pads and Rolls:
Spills can happen anywhere. For fast, effective cleanup of relatively small spills, use an absorbent pad to wick up oils, chemicals, bases, salad dressing, soda pop. Use them in overspray areas or around drippy machines. Use in walkways, under equipment, to protect office carpet, under vehicles.

For big spills such as from a toppled drum of oil, minimize the cleanup area by quickly containing the spill with absorbent socks. Absorbent socks hug corners and work great around machine bases, drip pans, and ledges. They help make cleanup less backbreaking while limiting potential damage.

Place absorbent pillows over large surface areas to absorb larger amounts of leaking oils, coolants, solvents, and water. For just wicking up oil and repelling water, use oil-only pillows—they float on water and absorb oil quickly.